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Links to YouTube and document user instructions for Knaus and Hymer Exsis SK

Dear folks Here are the links to the user instructions for the three campers: The Knaus Sport Traveller Youtube manual:   On line instr...

Thursday, March 3, 2016

All about security

Security, yes, something all of us consider before or during travel. So, what are the basic aspects of security (being a certified IT security consultant might help on the road to enlighten the stage):
Firstly lets split the issue up: We have the real world threats and the perceived threats, Vulnerabilities, Impact and Risks.
Threat: The chance that an outside event happens, for example a burglar is planning a break in.
Vulnerability: The objects (the campers) vulnerability to a specific threat, for example very simple door locks, no alarm system and so on.
Perceived threat: A threatening situation that may or may not be real, for example thinking the risk for a break in is higher at night.
Impact: If I leave money and ID in the camper then the impact of a break in might be very severe.
Risk: The influence of the combinationn of Threat x Vulnerability x Impact = RISK

Example 1: The risk is very high that the journey will be severely disrupted if ID and moneys are stolen.

Example 2: The risk very low that the trip will be severely disrupted if the sun shines.

Example 3: The risk is very high that the trip will be severely disrupted if the vehicle is stolen.

Some of these Risks can be mitigated with simple methods:

  • Install alarm systems with GSM messaging, voicing and immobilizing.
  • Install an immobilizer switch.
  • Install real or fake cameras.
  • Have stickers inform of alarm system.
  • Have the vehicle engraved with its registration number.
  • Install inner and outer extra door blockers. Can not be opened unless the key is available.
  • Put alarm units on plastic windows.
  • Always have a paper well visible in the windows informing, in the local language, that there are no valuables in the camper.
  • Have a comprehensive insurance that will cover all eventualities.
  • Install a small safe box.

Never, ever leave money or any other valuables in the camper. You can though leave in the glove box 50 euro so to lessen the risk of any burglar destroying the camper in search of moneys. And if the bad event happens - be prepared!

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